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Rental property management

Whether your property is a high-rise, an apartment building, a seniors’ residence, a co-operative or a commercial building, with our full range of services we provide sound, effective management, ranging from annual planning to daily maintenance. We work closely with you to achieve your business goals through cost-effective solutions. In addition to anticipating your needs and planning for potential problems, we are available 24 hours a day to assist you.

  • Rent collection and recovery
  • Rental marketing plan
  • Lease preparation, negotiation and renewal
  • Hiring superintendents
  • Managing relationships with suppliers and subcontractors
  • Negotiations with utility companies
  • Supervision of building maintenance, repair and renovation
  • Representation at the Régie du logement
  • Property management accounting
  • Preparation of annual budget
  • 24-7 emergency service

Thoroughness and professionalism

Building inspection

At the start of every new mandate, we conduct a thorough building inspection and prepare an initial report describing in detail the building’s physical condition and rental environment, thereby identifying its qualities and potential problems.

Action plan

We then develop an action plan and a schedule for implementing all recommendations. We take the opportunity to inform tenants of the change of management and provide them with our contact information for rent payment and any questions they may have.

Activity report

Every month, HPDG managers produce a report detailing the previous month’s activities. Each transaction is recorded on our computer system, which allows you to easily track all developments related to the building.

Activity report

Every month, HPDG managers produce a report detailing the previous month’s activities. Each transaction is recorded on our computer system, which allows you to easily track all developments related to the building.

Renovation and repairs

Subject to your approval, all renovation work is carried out by contractors who meet our high standards. An RFP (request for proposal) is issued for maintenance projects that exceed the amount you have predetermined.

The quality of workmanship, cost efficiency, supplier solvency and the recruitment of local companies are included in our selection criteria. We closely and thoroughly monitor all work, ensuring compliance with specifications, verifying invoices and authorizing expenditures. For day-to-day repairs, we only do business with well-established suppliers.


Every building managed by HPDG has its own bank account and accounting records. This enables us to easily produce monthly revenue and expenditure statements and income statements. Our computerized accounting system allows us to track rent payments that are due, accounts payable, lease renewals, property tax statements, budgets and detailed transaction reports, while also offering other tools that make it easier to manage your building. Our accounting system can be accessed at any time for audits by your own auditors.

HPDG ensures that suitable marketing tools are developed based on need and circumstance. Above all else, we help create positive relationships with your tenants to ensure that they become your best promoters.